Forward Foundation
5th Annual Celebratory Gala
Forward Foundation
5th Annual Celebratory Gala
Forward Foundation 5th Annual Celebratory Gala
are you a single working parent?
Who We Are
Forward Foundation is a nonprofit dedicated to assisting working, single parents and their children in the Greater Richmond area who are in the midst of a financial crisis.
Empowering Action to Move Forward
Navigating life’s challenges as a community
How We Help
Subsidized Childcare Assistance
Qualified working, single parents are eligible to receive subsidized childcare assistance and educational services. This aid allows them the opportunity to earn an income; hence providing stability and independence for their family.
Supportive Educational Programming
In conjunction with our collaborative partners, we equip our parents with vital resources and basic knowledge of the areas they need, to best care for their children.
A Community of Caring
Our goal is to provide the necessary tools needed to take our families from instability to stability. As they complete the 12-18 month program, they will then in turn serve as mentors to new parents coming in.
Our Why
Single Parent Families In America
children raised by Single Parents
Average Full Time Childcare Cost for an Infant
Childcare costs for the average single parent household income
Proud Event Sponsors
Signature Sponsor
Broadcast Sponsor
David W. Fuller